This diary is written by an American expat living in Germany reporting on grassroots healthcare reform issues for Main Street America.As an American expat living in the European Union, every day, all day no matter where I go, or who I look at everyone and I do mean everyone is medically insured with a full prescription benefit program from cradle to grave as a human right. Imagine that a Continent full of people with a population that is greater than that of the United States, as the European Union is rated the second largest exporter in the world, whose currency the Euro rivals the US dollar, and has everyone medically insured from cradle to grave as a human right.
At this point I would like to introduce you via the magic of Youtube to Marianne Hoynes, who's a great American, who is fighting for her life and yours! As it happens Marianne Hoynes is one of millions of medically indigent Americans. But with Marianne Hoynes there's a difference she's turned into a healthcare activist, as she cannot afford her prescription medication bill, which will be forcing her into medical bankruptcy along with millions of other Americans. Thanks to the robber baron policies of the 1% in the American neo-feudalist state. Marianne Hoynes is exposed to substantial pain everyday of her life with every step that Marianne takes, she is in pain and her pain and her suffering exemplifies the pain and the suffering of millions of Americans who are denied medical access based on their inability to pay.
(Cross posted by author from the Daily Kos. To read the full article and watch the videos, please click on the link below. Thank you.)