Seattle Times: Letters to the editor absolutely ironic to honor George W. Bush as an action figure ("Bush gets all dolled up in flight suit," Times, News, Aug. 13). The image is not from his days as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. Instead of serving a tour in Vietnam, where pilots like John McCain were being shot down and being tortured, political preferences and family ties were used to get Bush into the National Guard (as with Yale). Apparently, he couldn't be bothered to show up for 12 to 18 months of his duty in the Air National Guard.
Smaller than life
The mounting, continuing American death toll in Iraq shows his premature declaration was nothing but administration propaganda and 2004 campaign photo-op. The truth is President Bush was never a naval aviator. He was an AWOL Texas Air National Guard pilot trained to fly a decommissioned aircraft while courageous American pilots and soldiers were dying on the battlefields of Vietnam or suffering as prisoners of war.
Bush and his handlers are profoundly arrogant. They think putting on the clothes of a hero makes him one. To think KB Toys would dishonor the enormous sacrifice of generations of true war heroes by passing off this phony in the "costume" of men and women who actually put their lives on the line every day is appalling.
These letters will make your day....