Moreover, he has not figured out how to connect to the fury that so many people feel about the lies and manipulation that this administration employed to get us into war, among many other issues. So if you’re as angry about this dishonest, destructive war as every thinking and feeling American ought to be, you will probably stick with Dean, even though to be honest, Kerry is far better prepared for the job and probably more progressive on most issues.
I absolutely understand and commiserate with the anger - no the FURY - that so many people in this country feel about what is happening. I, like most of you here, have been feeling it since Nov 2000.
But in our need to have that anger recognized - and validated at high political levels - are we going to elect the wrong man? Sharpton has some wonderful lines about Bush and this administration, but do you want him to be president?
Someone said it here once before (probably more) - "Dean is the anti-war candidate, and I will consider changing that definition the first time I meet someone who is supporting Dean who supported the war."
(The other big thing to consider is which of the Dem candidates for President do you really believe, had they BEEN president, would have taken us to war in Iraq?)
How many folks will excuse or explain or accept otherwise unacceptable positions from Gov Dean, JUST because he was so vocal about the war? Because they believe that his position ON the war was from the heart and "not political"?
I read part of the Ted Rall editorial today:
According to Vermonters, Dean is a shrewd operator who saw millions of anti-Iraq war demonstrators last spring for what they were: untapped Democratic primary voters. A few well-placed verbal broadsides spread his reputation as the only presidential contender willing to go after Bush while other Democrats remained silent or supported his war. His opportunistic Bush-bashing attracted liberal voters tired of being taken for granted and disgusted by do-nothing "Republican Lite" Dems.
Liberals are driving Dean's come-from-nowhere campaign, but they don't share his take on most issues.