I were to take a wild guess, I'd bet that Bill O'Reilly and his colleagues at the Fox News Channel spent the weekend, as many of us did, reading Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."
He may never admit it, but I'm betting that O'Reilly is vain enough to read every word ever written about him, especially those penned by a critic as caustic and funny as Franken. No matter how much he tries to "spin it" -- to use a slightly hackneyed phrase -- O'Reilly probably bounced Franken's newly minted best seller off the walls several times over the weekend. And who could blame him?
Unlike his lantern-jawed stable mate Sean Hannity, O'Reilly is smart enough to be embarrassed by Franken's revelations. For instance, prior to reading about it in "Lies," I had no idea that five years ago, O'Reilly published a lowbrow suspense thriller, "Those Who Trespass," that featured a fairly graphic sex scene between a serial killer and a tabloid reporter.
Because this is a family newspaper, I can't be too specific about the scene except to say that the rappers O'Reilly mercilessly mau-maued for years have nothing on him when it comes to depicting, um, the transgressive nature of certain sex acts by unmarried people.