From the San Francisco Chronicle
Dated Wednesday August 27
Schwarzenegger short on specifics
Critics say GOP candidate needs to start offering policy details
By Mark Simon, Chronicle Political Writer
A critical chorus is growing over the absence of policy details from Arnold Schwarzenegger, the leading Republican on the Oct. 7 recall replacement ballot.
Schwarzenegger has offered no concrete information about how he'll resolve the state's budget problems, spur economic growth or meet the fiscal needs of the state's schools, saying that voters are more interested in change than specific facts and figures.
"It applies to all the candidates -- voters want to know specific answers ," said Wayne Johnson, veteran Republican consultant who had been managing Bill Simon's campaign for governor.
"It's a fair criticism," said San Jose State University political science Professor Terry Christensen. "His argument is, that's not what people care about; they want leadership and change. . . . Several leading candidates have been more specific, so that leaves him out there saying, 'Vote for me for change,' and we don't know what change. It's one thing to be specific. It's another thing to have people think you don't know very much."
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