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How and Why Did Iraqi Die? 2 Tales of Anger and Denial

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Sticky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-27-03 11:13 AM
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How and Why Did Iraqi Die? 2 Tales of Anger and Denial
BAGHDAD, Iraq Aug. 26

Any of Ali Muhsin's neighbors can describe the scene after he was shot by the Americans
First he stumbled around the corner, dripping blood, and collapsed near the front door of his home. His neighbors hailed a taxi to take him to the hospital, but then a Humvee roared down the street and blocked the way.

An American soldier leaped out and ran up to Ali, firing a shot in the air to scatter the crowd, then aiming his rifle at the boy. The boy's mother, Rajaa Yousif Matti, implored the soldier not to kill him. She wept and wailed. She pleaded in Arabic that he had done nothing wrong and begged to put him in the taxi. She kissed the soldier's boots. But she could not get through to the American.
Stories about murderous civilians and brutal soldiers are becoming endemic. The truth is generally impossible to ascertain because many incidents are not even formally reported, much less investigated.

The death of Ali Muhsin, 17, two weeks ago made no news outside the neighborhood, but the scene was recorded by a passing photographer, and subsequently more than a dozen participants and witnesses were tracked down in an effort to reconcile the two versions of events.
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Sticky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-27-03 11:16 AM
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1. unbelievably sad....

"He was a very good boy, a very polite boy," Mr. Latif said, echoing a common theme among Ali's relatives and friends. They praised him for being the sole supporter of his mother and five sisters since his father's death earlier this year, and told how he had been trying to save money for an operation for his younger brother's wounded leg. couldn't even make this stuff up....
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bpilgrim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-27-03 11:36 AM
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2. we gotta get our troops home NOW!
how can bush vacation a MONTH during this CRISIS :argh:
how come the media doesn't go after him on this OBVIOUS DERILECTION OF DUTY :crazy:



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