In the annals of sales and salesmen, perhaps the most effective sales closing technique ever devised is the “Ben Franklin” close, also known as the “Balance Sheet” close. Used by salesman for decades, the essence of this sales technique is that it brings the prospect to a buying decision. By way of history, here’s how it all started: Old Ben advised an English scientist friend how to make an important personal choice his friend otherwise couldn’t seem to make—not unlike the decision many of us are struggling with this coming November 2nd. Franklin wrote that the difficulty in making an important choice is because “all Reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time…” Franklin suggested dividing a sheet of paper into two columns, designating one as “FOR” and the other “AGAINST”. Then, over a period of time, filling in each column as thoughts occurred to him so that “when each reason is thus considered separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think I judge better and less likely to make a rash step…”
Americans now face a crucial and perplexing decision in whether or not to send Mr. Bush back to the Whitehouse for another four years. If ever there was a time for careful evaluation, this is it! So, in the tradition of Benjamin Franklin, let’s do a balance sheet on George W. Bush:
So there you have it, a Ben Franklin balance sheet on George W. Bush. Old Ben would be proud. But in actuality, what this sheet reveals is sinister and disturbing. You see, the fanatic Bush supporters, wearing their blinders proudly, believe only the information in the FOR column, while a few of us, willing to consider the whole of the vital issues expressed above, have seen through the looking glass and discovered that the AGAINST column is a damning assessment of this dangerous administration that is not only bankrupting our country but placing us in grave risk of world war. It is apparent, with armies mobilizing all over the world, that the Bush cabal has engendered a war cycle. Just as nations formed a coalition to stop Hitler from waging pre-emptive wars of aggression, nations could very well ally themselves against us for the same reason. Judging from the bellicose, war-threatening words against Iran and Syria, and talk of a new draft, Bush hasn’t even begun to fight his planned wars.