liberal talk show hosts aren't "entertaining" is one of those right-wing talking points, another example of, as Bill Maher so aptly said of Ann Coulter, "just making shit up."
I listened to Jim Hightower when he was on ABC, and he was quite entertaining, and remarkably good at gently getting working class right wingers to see how they were voting against their own interests. That, along with his criticism of Disney, was why he was thrown off ABC. It wasn't because of his ratings, which were equal to or better the other talk show hosts on ABC.
In Portland, there is an excellent left-wing talk show host on KBOO, the community radio station. His name is Joe Uris, and he's good at engaging callers, especially when he gets on one of his whimsical kicks. Another good host on that station is Barbara Bernstein, who is not particularly humorous, but holds your attention.
Michael Moore is entertaining, Al Franken is entertaining, Molly Ivins is entertaining, Ann Richards is entertaining, Barney Frank is entertaining, Studs Terkel is entertaining,...
But still the myth persists that left-winger aren't "entertaining" and right-wingers are.
Rush Limbaugh is entertaining only if you're at the same emotional age as the three playground bullies on The Simpsons.