,1413,101%7E6267%7E1596032,00.htmlMake sense of this, if you can: The number of U.S. soldiers killed in the occupation of Iraq now exceeds the American death toll in the "liberation" of that unhappy country, the demarcation day of May 1 having been announced by G.I. George while disguised as a fighter pilot. The American administrator says the reconstruction of Iraq cannot be achieved without "several tens of billions of dollars" to rebuild its war-torn infrastructure and shattered economy. And President Bush has a new explanation for why we're there: It's the new battleground for the war on terror. We must press on, he says, until "total victory," confronting the terrorist menace in the desert so that "our people will not have to confront terrorist violence in New York or St. Louis or Los Angeles."
Never mind that most of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, the president has always insisted it was Iraq that posed an "imminent" threat to the security of the United States. Never mind that after three months of looking, our military forces have not yet found any evidence of an imminent nuclear, chemical, or biological threat, the ostensible reason for our pre-emptive invasion. Well, forget about that. President Bush would have us believe the real reason we are occupying this hostile land is to build the Arab world's first democracy. Terrorists hate democracy and freedom and that is the reason they are flocking to Iraq to take potshots at us. They know that once the Arabs groaning under the rule of hateful dictatorships see how great the Iraqis have it in their new democracy, they will want one too. They will forget about all this jihad stuff and there will be peace and brotherhood in the Middle East.