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Salon: Would You Let Your Sister Vote for This Man? (rude, crude, Arnold)

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kskiska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-29-03 11:38 PM
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Salon: Would You Let Your Sister Vote for This Man? (rude, crude, Arnold)
From groping the breasts of TV hosts to making crudely sexist comments, Arnold Schwarzenegger has given machismo a bad name.

For Arnold Schwarzenegger -- bodybuilder, movie star, family man and gubernatorial candidate -- the world of women has always been full of wonderful surprises.

One day when you're a young man pumping iron at Gold's Gym in Venice, Calif., a "black girl" shows up naked, and all the guys get to take her upstairs for a gang bang. Out in public in the free-wheeling '70s, stewardesses, waitresses and teachers -- "a great many teachers," actually -- walk right up and say, "I really dig your body and want to fuck the shit out of you." Now and again, "a blonde with great tits and a great ass" turns out to be as "smart as her breasts look." And in your mid-50s, a role in a Hollywood movie gives you the once-in-a-lifetime chance to "take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl."


San Francisco-based journalist Connie Matthiessen got a hot blast of Schwarzenegger raunch when she happened across the actor in the mid-1980s. In an interview Friday with Salon, she recalled that she didn't know who Schwarzenegger was and had never seen him before. When a friend pointed him out to her in a Santa Monica, Calif., cafe, Matthiessen couldn't help but stare at his massive, muscle-bound physique. Schwarzenegger shot a look back her, and snarled: "The dildo convention is next door."

"He said it in such a mean way," Matthiessen says. "I was across the room, and it was such a brutal conversation. It felt like he had just slapped me, it was so contemptuous and dismissive and nasty."

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SodoffBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-30-03 12:50 AM
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1. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd been involved in gay "gang-bangs"
Edited on Sat Aug-30-03 12:51 AM by SodoffBush
as well, and is covering up by being so incredibly cavalier and dismissive of women.

You have to wonder what he and his wife talked about during their first dinner date. Maria's first comments to him couldn't have been much different that those of all the stewardesses and teachers. I can picture him bragging to her about all the women who'd approached him to say "I want to fuck your brains out."

MARIA: So, like, did you?

ARNIE: Sure, lots of times. Once, there was this black woman at Gold's gym....

I don't see the *attraction*.
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Erika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-30-03 01:23 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Please Face Reality!
You have this sexed druggy marrying a Kennedy. Now he's running as a GOP with his Kennedy wife in the background giving him support. I see Ahhnold as drawing large amounts of GOP cash in and folding to GOP right wing conservatives. It needs to be said, if his wife chooses to back him, let her exit the democratic party or dump the guy. If she tries to remain a democrat giving support to a republican who wishes to inch closer to Bush all the time so be it. Let her exit the party.
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SodoffBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-30-03 04:01 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Maybe Maria didn't do her homework before getting married?
Who knows?

The GOP appears not to have bothered, showing us the disdain they have for voters' intellect (rightly or wrongly). They could have gone with Uberoth, who, while just another GOP multi-millionaire, at least worked for a living, made money for the City of LA off the Olympics, and did okay as baseball commissioner--the job Chimpy should have right now.

I'd swap Peter for the Chimpster right now.
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