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Why we need strong unions

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this_side_up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-01-03 04:28 PM
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Why we need strong unions
Edited on Mon Sep-01-03 04:28 PM by sheeeeeesh
Why we need strong unions

Harley Sorensen, Special to SF Gate Monday, September 1, 2003


There were no Labor Day sales. Stores were closed, as they were on all holidays. People in retail got to enjoy holidays, too. And most stores were closed on Sundays.


One of society's best-kept secrets is this: The most pay, power and prestige goes to those with the easiest jobs.

Also, the greatest physical and financial risks are undertaken by those paid the least.

Edited to add URL


The corruption of labor unions gave conservatives the opening they needed. Instead of mending their every flaw, they worked hard to destroy them, or at least lessen their impact.
The Waltons prefer to keep their obscene wealth in their own pockets rather than share it with the people who made them rich.


If that's their gluttonous choice, so be it, but their workers should organize and force a limit on the Waltons' gluttony.

That's what Labor Day is about. It's not about "blowout" sales or "end-of- summer" sales. It's not about another weekend at "the lake" (as we called it in Minnesota, even though the state has 15,000 of them).

It's about little people uniting and taking on giants. It's about creating or maintaining an egalitarian nation, one that's mighty because all its people are strong, economically as well as physically and mentally.

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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 07:27 PM
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