An extract from "May the Cannibals be Cursed!" by Fatma Abdallah Mahmoud, published recently in Al-Akhbar, an Egyptian government daily. That government has received nearly $60 billion in aid from the U.S. taxpayer since 1979.
Every place that it destroys, annihilates, and plunders treasure and oil from, America does no less than what primitive cannibal tribes did in the prehistoric era!! What is the meaning of the abhorrent crimes that America perpetrates in Iraq, Liberia, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Palestine via the Israeli angels of destruction? What is the meaning of the deeds carried out everywhere by the American forces--or to be more precise, by the children and grandchildren of
the gangs of pirates and blood-letters who run U.S. policy? Have they become beasts of prey, or bulls, barbaric, satanic, and unbridled, who tear apart bodies and destroy peaceful peoples?!
What is the meaning of this satanic force that makes them mutilate corpses, in a way so barbaric and loathsome--thus harming human dignity . . . and contravening the simplest of the rudiments of morality, humanity, and even military
?!! . . . The blood spilled in most of the countries of the free world--the hero Iraq, the courageous fighting African Liberia from which America seeks to remove French protection, and Afghanistan, whose poor and ordinary citizens gave the arrogant American forces a drink from the bitter cup of defeat and humiliation, the same cup from which they drank, to intoxication, in their war in Somalia.
The fight against America will be continued, Allah willing, by the peoples waging Jihad against the original pirates and criminals--or, to be more precise, against the cannibals and the human corpse--disembowelers!!
September 1, 2003
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