But this is 2004, so the task of helping promote ABC’s stunt fell mainly to televangelists and public scolds on the Republican right. Former NFL color man Rush Limbaugh pronounced himself shocked.
"I mean, there are some guys with their kids that sit down to watch ‘Monday Night Football,’ " the thrice-divorced, pill-popping moralist announced.
On "Meet the Press," Rev. Jerry Falwell’s wattles shook with indignation over the offense to family values.
I’d be more impressed with the indignation of Limbaugh, Falwell and pundits of their ilk but for their gleeful participation in the Clinton Impeachment Follies when, thanks to them and the psalm-singing judicial pornographer Kenneth Starr, the phrase "oral sex" was repeated on TV roughly every 20 seconds for the edification of every child in America. No recent event has done more to coarsen public discourse or contribute to the inappropriate sexualization of children.
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