December 2, 2004
The Meaning of Brad Carson
By Matt Miller
Brad Carson of Oklahoma is an exceptionally promising 37-year-old Democratic congressman who has been retired from public life (temporarily, I'd wager) after losing to Tom Coburn in the race for the Senate seat vacated by Don Nickles. Carson's defeat, despite (1) his personal attractiveness, (2) the fact that he ran well to the right of his party, and (3) did so against a man who will be seen as one of the Senate's more extreme conservatives, hasn't been properly appreciated. It shows how dramatically the national Democratic "brand" needs to be retooled if Democrats are to become competitive in the South.
As Carson told me the other day, a Democrat running for Senate in a presidential year starts in a serious hole in Oklahoma, given that the state went for George Bush over John Kerry by a stunning 66 percent to 34 percent.
Yet it's not as if being a Democrat in Oklahoma is actually fatal. Oklahoma's governor is a Democrat. So is the Oklahoma attorney general. The state treasurer is a Democrat, as is the state auditor. The state senate is controlled by Democrats as well.
So if it's not Loathing of Democrats per se that explains the lopsided presidential count and Carson's loss, what's going on? The answer seems to be Loathing of National Democrats.