Fourteen years after Exxon Valdez slimed over one thousand miles of Alaskan beaches, the oily company has yet to pay most of the damages awarded by the jury. The $4 billion Exxon owes for "punitive" damages is getting off easy: by Exxon's own calculation it merely equals the cost of the damage they inflicted.
I know. I worked for the native villages whose coastline was oiled - IS oiled... the gunk is still there, still deadly, no matter the mendacious Exxon mouthpieces tell you.
Now, Exxon-Mobil, the Number One campaign contributor to the George W. Bush campaigns, has gotten their big fat sloppy payoff. Last week, the Bushified appellate courts in Texas ordered the Alaskan judge once again to review the award.
Exxon's grinnin'. More delay. Which doesn't bother my friend Paul Kompkoff of Chenega. The elderly sealhunter passed away waiting for his compensation.
Exxon calls the Exxon Valdez an "accident." Wasn't their fault.
Accident my ass, it was ...
For rest of article