Inside the Clouds of 9/11Inside the Clouds of 9/11
Catalyst for Perpetual War
Manuel Valenzuela
12/01/04 "ICH" -- What remains today of the entity once known as the United States can be seen by escaping the still-omnipresent hypnotic fog that spans the land of the free and the home of the brave, from coast to coast, spawned by the smoldering inferno and avalanching debris of three years ago, when the human species once-more entered into dimensions familiar and frequent yet malicious and frightful, where all semblance of reality seemed to disappear inside the smoke of crashing airliners and collapsing towers.
Only by escaping the all-encompassing haze of fear, hatred and vengeance – that cocktail of conditioned ignorance born on 9/11 that continues to smother and imprison the minds of millions of Americans – can we begin to discern what was done to us, and what subsequently continues to be done to us and our way of life. Only then can we pragmatically stand at the doorstep of reality, banging on its heavy-metal doors, eager to be welcomed inside, seeking desperately to understand the true identity of a world that has been made mad by warmongers, greed mongers, profiteers and criminal monsters disguised as men.
Inside the clouds of 9/11 lay hidden sinister plans and malevolent intentions, indoctrinated minds and their brainwashed existence. Inside this tempestuous cloud of debris, dust, smoke, asbestos, chemicals, particulates and human flesh lie hidden war criminals and crimes against humanity that continue to run unobstructed, free to continue their reign of terror, sending the world into the abyss of perpetual war and suffering, immune from the conformist and placid sheep living in their realm whose existence continues to be lived in extravagant ignorance fed by bread and circus, tele-trash conditioning and dumbed-down education.
It is inside the clouds of 9/11 that the most successful psychological warfare technique ever devised by man can be seen for what it is, namely, the devastatingly successful mechanism by which an entire nation was transformed from placid isolationists going about their daily god-fearing lives into blood-thirsty seekers of vengeance and gluttonous purveyors of human malice. The genius of those exploiters of 9/11, with its horrific mass death and carnage, its violent destruction of buildings and human life, was in bombarding American citizens, through the television and using the mouths of media lackeys, with ceaseless images of what transpired that day along with voices of vengeance, hatred and war, thereby shaking the foundations of reality and the constructs of security hundreds of millions believed themselves to live under.