expert Rubin talks to N-L
Interview by Francesca Hansen
December 03, 2004
Hopkins professor of computer science and e-voting expert Avi Rubin spoke with News-Letter Opinions Editor Francesca Hansen, about the 2004 presidential election, voter fraud and the future of electronic voting in the United States.
News-Letter: How are you feeling now that the election is now nearly a month in the past?
Avi Rubin: "I think a lot of people have been missing the point. Before the election our biggest concern was that there could be an undetectable fraud. It wasn't that the machines couldn't work. We need to focus on election equipment that can't be rigged as easily. If they were rigged, there's no way to know now anyways. It's not that useful to try to prove that it was rigged, or complain that it was rigged, it's time to focus to make sure that next time we have a system that can't be rigged.