With all the Texas trashing going on since Black Tuesday, this article about the liberals in TX is good for a much needed long giggle!
Yay for Ms Ivans for recognizing Texas' liberals!!!!
:bounce: :silly: :thumbsup: :dem:
http://www.texasobserver.org/showArticle.asp?ArticleID=1812The mere thought of liberal humor in Texas will remind many of that photo that ran for years in Esquire magazine, of Richard Nixon laughing hysterically, over the caption, “Why Is This Man Laughing?” Well hell, as that great philosopher Jimmy Buffett observes, if we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane. Besides, crying and throwing up are bad for you.
Next to cops and doctors, Texas liberals have the darkest sense of humor I’ve ever come across. But like everything else in the beloved state, it comes with a twist. Like normal Texans, Texas liberals love good stories and love language with flavor and bite to it, like a good chili.
You can see some of that legacy in the Texian fondness for jokes in which the rube comes out on top, as in: “Y’heard about the Aggie who went to Harvard? Yeah, he went up there and asked one a them Harvard men, ‘Where’s the liberry at?’
“Fella says, ‘My good man, don’t you know you must never end a sentence with a preposition?’ So the Aggie says, ‘O.K., where’s the liberry at, asshole?’”