Does God punish the losers in a struggle or contest?, December 03, 2004 12:17 PM
Recent USA elections focused the intensity of the evangelical
Christians and their total support for Bush and the Republican Party.
Over 100 million evangelical Christians threw their undying support
behind Bush and were without doubt responsible for Bush’s re-election.
Bush senior in his 1991 invasion of Iraq said, “And if Saddam is not
out of Kuwait in 36 hours we will kick his butt because God is on our
side.” G.W. is infamous for his statements that he had a vision from
God who told him to take out Saddam.
The misinformation Bush and his administrations fed to the world was
proven to be false without one apology for the thousands of deaths he
has caused the innocent Iraqi people and more than 1,000 American
young men he sent into battle, all in the name of his values, visions
and messages from God.
These values are obviously shared by the evangelical Christians who
back Bush in his killing spree. So many times in history man has
invoked the name of God while killing and plundering.
Are we to believe that Bush and his Christian God is a killing god
that uses his believers to murder and lie through their teeth in order
to gain leverage in the world?
In American sports of football and boxing it is disgusting to see the
winner exclaim, “First, I want to thank my Lord and savior for giving
me this win.” Are we to believe then that God punishes the losers?
Petro Hoy
U.S. headed for corporate-religious authoritarianism
President Bush claims he won a mandate, but he really limped over the
election finish line with a tiny, 1 percent, fraud-marred majority.
Now with the wholesale purges in his administration we will find that
this new group will indeed hasten the U.S.’s degeneration into
corporate-religious authoritarianism. The Bush regime’s devotion to
big oil, the military, tax cuts, corporate deregulation and unbridled
executive power has nothing to do with conservative principles or
moral values.
No deep beliefs or high ideals inform the Bushists except raw,
secretive political power unfettered by courts, laws, legislators or
public scrutiny. Bushist militarists have crude minds, just keeping
the people scared with war and rumors of war.
When we should protest, the sin of silence makes cowards of us.
Gary Zimmerman