Well rested (or exhausted, I'm not sure) from the Thanksgiving Holiday, I almost lost my giblets when I read that the Senate had actually passed the Rove/Cheney/Bush inspired "New Freedom Initiative". I remember when Bush proposed this turkey a few years back (along with his faith-based federally subsidized marriage counseling service, "The Healthy Marriage Initiative") and I thought pigs would fly before any self-respecting Senator would sign on to this thing. If you read between all the lines of high blown rhetoric in this bill, you'll see implementing the Americans With Disabilities Act has little to do with the legislation, but political favors to Big Contributors has everything to do with it. In this case, it drug mega-corp Eli-Lilly, massive contributors to to Bush 2000 and Bush 2004, and part of the task force that created this monster down in Texas when W. was governor. And did I mention that Bush 1 once served on their board of directors? The panel came up with a brilliant NWO concept: allow the public school system to act as psycho-cops for "unruly" kids, get 'em into treatment, ASAP, and hook 'em on one of Eli-Lilly's little blue pills as quickly as possible. Now, don't you feel better? Much, much better? Enter The Brave New World of Big Bro, where government intrudes and extrudes in places it's seldom been before: your bedroom, your library card file, other sovereign nations, your internet activity, and now your child's mind. Picking up a Matrix vibe here? And could the Skull and Bones crowd be any more obvious with their phony euphemisms: Blue Skies Initiative, Healthy Forests Initiative, and now the New Freedom Initiative???!!! When he comes up with the Peaceful Happy Feeling Initiative, I suggest you run for cover.