Comming to WI? !!! Many people of faith reject banning of same-sex unions
By Rev. Herbert Chilstrom
December 5, 2004
In the heat of the recent elections, emotions ran high over many issues, including the war in Iraq, Social Security, welfare, education and much more. None, however, generated more response than the issue of same-gender marriages or civil unions. ......
.....Wisconsin's proposed legislation would relegate these families to second-class status in all legal matters. People would lose rights they have fought hard to gain, and children and families would be harmed......
....The proposed amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution would ban any legal status that is "substantially similar" to marriage. That means civil unions and domestic partner benefits, which offer many of the rights of marriage, like hospital visitation or the right of a child to have two legally recognized parents, would also be banned.
Moreover, it could jeopardize the right of employers to offer health insurance to domestic partners of their employees, as more than 100 Wisconsin employers currently do. This failure to recognize that same-gender couples deserve the same rights as other couples is a moral failure.......