I especially like the "neoconservative mignons". It has
possibilities, I may have to borrow it.In an interview published Monday on the front page of the daily newspaper USA Today, Gen. Abizaid who heads the US Army Central Command stated that “If you ever even contemplate our nuclear capability, it should give everybody the clear understanding that there is no power that can match the United States militarily’’.
All of this was delivered in a menacing tone which, given the circumstances, smacked more of panic than confidence.
Where is this coming from? Could it be a veiled threat by a general in the twilight of his military career or, more ominously, the words of his boss, President George W. Bush? Either way those are the wrong words, at the wrong time in the wrong place in this part of the world or any other part of the globe.
Indeed the US had better look internally at the draining consequences of self-inflicted wounds. The occupation of Iraq is financially debilitating, with no rescue in sight. Unlike the good old days of the first Gulf War in1990 -1991, when the US had some real allies more than willing to foot the bill to liberate Kuwait, this time nobody is paying. As every day passes, Bush and his
neoconservative mignons are adding a financial quagmire to the military one.
Arab News