Two Veteran Journalists Critical Of Today's Media Coverage Seen As False Ideal That Hampers Reporters' Work
Day Staff Writer, New London
Published on 12/6/2004
Stonington — What is the state of journalism in this country when the
national press, historically disparaged as the “liberal media,” gets
pilloried by both the right and the left for its flabby coverage of
politics and the war in Iraq?
Morley Safer and Osborn Elliott, two doyens of the news business, met
at the community center Sunday night for a conversation in which they
questioned why reporters cling to a false ideal of objectivity that
prevents them from being critical and skeptical purveyors of the news.
In a talk sponsored by the Stonington Free Library, the two colleagues
and old friends discussed how to fortify coverage in an era when news
outlets are so obsessed with being even-handed that their stories take
the shape of point-counterpoint rather than an incisive examination of
an issue.
“We've heard a lot of criticism of the election coverage — or non-
coverage — by the right and the left alike,” said Elliott, the
Stonington Borough resident and former editor of Newsweek.