I'm not sure they're even still considered stem cells when they come from a fetus that's 16 weeks old.
I don't think anyone in America wants to harvest fetuses.
A fetus is NOT an embryo.
The embryo is a cluster of un-differentiated cells.
A fetus has body parts, and at 16 weeks, it has a brain.
There is a big, big difference between embryo and fetus.
I just want to make sure it is clear just how hypocritical this fundie is being.
Among them is
Van Golden, a Christian, anti-abortion Texan who has sold his house so that he can travel to communist, atheist China and have Huang inject a million cells from the nasal area of a foetus into his spine. According to Golden's doctors, his spine was damaged beyond repair in a car crash last Christmas. The damage to his nervous system was so bad that he has been in a wheelchair and racked by spasms ever since. But Golden refused to give up, even if it meant having to compromise his values. "This is the only place that offered us any hope," he says. "Everyone else offered only to help make me sufficient in that chair. But the chair is not my destiny. It is not ordained."
It cannot be easy for a man of his beliefs to be in China, where the government's one-child policy is partly responsible for millions of abortions each year. But instead of shunning the system, Golden believes his only hope is to embrace it. There is nowhere else he could get foetal cells. "I wish there was another way they could do it. There are 4,000 abortions a day in the US. Partial-birth ones are murder on a most terrible level. What they are doing here is a whole lot more humane.
"Four thousand a day. That's a waste. Something good should come out of something bad. The people who don't believe that aren't in a wheelchair."
http://www.guardian.co.uk/china/story/0,7369,1363339,00.htmlI wonder how things are working out for the ghoulish hypocrite:
http://kevdb.infospace.com/home/white-pages/kevdb?showrec=89870909:res-us&OTMPL=/white-pages/details.htm&QN=Golden&QF=Van&QC=&QS=tx&qsubcat=singlematch">Van Golden