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The Good Germans (USA's Modern Day Nazis)

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SHRED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:24 AM
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The Good Germans (USA's Modern Day Nazis)
John S. Hatch

12/06/04 "ICH" -- It is a commonplace that at the end of WWII scarcely a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer could be found, or even anyone with an inkling that a Holocaust had been taking place. Even as rocks flew through Jewish shop windows and homes were burned, the Good Germans didn't know. Even when Jews began disappearing in huge numbers from right under their noses, the Good Germans weren't aware. Later on, even amongst Holocaust deniers I used to wonder if there were a mitigating percentage, however small, who as otherwise decent human beings simply could not accept the horror that human nature can be so vile. To admit the truth would be to recognize that life was essentially meaningless and insane, with suicide as the only logical course, a choice which the all-powerful instinct for self-preservation attempted to prevent. Thus self-deception for self-preservation; an unhappy compromise. It was the Nazi-exploited Nietzsche who pointed out (in the late 1800's remember) that one must first know the truth in order to bury it. Everybody knew, in one way or another. Violence, after all, is what One-Thousand Year Reichs do, and they must start very early.

America, America, Uber Alles

While there is much justified consternation surrounding the truly astonishing election of George W. Bush-first he steals power, then it's handed back to him tied with a fancy yellow ribbon-the fact is that for the longest time American foreign policy (and often domestic as well) has been so savage as to shock the world. Yet the average American seems to care as little as the average German did about the Third's Reich's crimes against humanity or the Holocaust. Didn't know, didn't care or-liked it very much. 'We' are empire! Therefore 'we' are a priori justified in anything we do. Rules only apply to lesser nations, lesser beings.

Just to go back a short way, while George crusades to 'free' his beloved Iraqis' (almost universally referred to as 'ragheads' and 'sandniggers' (!) , bastards and faggots by his like-thinking men and women in the field), LBJ was a crook with indirect ties to the Mafia, and likely foreknowledge of the Kennedy assassination. (And we can't forget his vice-crook 'Nolo Contendere' Spiro Agnew, can we?) Nixon's boys had their inherited gooks and commies to torture and murder and bomb and napalm, and he had even more direct ties to the Mafia from almost the beginning of his criminal career. (And Rumsfeld and Powell were honing their skills for later- Rumsfeld in Defense, Powell as chief spinner for My Lai). Both Nixon and Bush lied about their respective wars, using the most unscrupulous but effective assistants (Murray Chotiner, Karl Rove) in order to get elected, and then surrounded themselves with ambitious thugs and criminals, all rising like pus out of a pimple (Kissinger, Mitchell, Erlichman, Haldeman, Liddy, Hunt et al), or far-right religious zealots (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft et al, including the multi-untalented David Frum, sophomoric enough to brag about the pathetic comic-book phrase 'Axis of Evil'). Then came Ford, who will always be remembered for pardoning Nixon's crimes, many of which weren't then known to the public, and as a participant in the official Kennedy assassination cover-up known as the Warren Commission. Meanwhile the CIA continued to mingle, meddle, and assassinate willy-nilly wherever they felt like it. Jimmy Carter may have been a gentler soul, but he welcomed the despised Shah of Iran, installed by the US after deposing the elected government of Mohammed Mossadeq for deciding to take control of Iran's own oil resources. The nerve of that uppity Mohammed! (Yet the neo-con tut-tutters keep saying that oil was not a factor in Iraq's invasion-they forgot all about Iran, but would like to visit again, and soon.) The corporate press blubbered on and on when Reagan mercifully died, with scant mention of his murderous if shaky hand, guided by the likes of the truly bizarre Ollie North, John Poindexter, and the depraved (but very ambitious) John Negroponte, newly appointed ambassador to Iraq (honestly, it would require an outsourced factory of Shakespearian elves working overtime to do adjectival justice to some of these malicious miscreants).

<SNIP> More...
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tavalon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:46 AM
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1. Good article
My friends are getting annoyed at how often I bother them with this stuff. One even said something like, "Can't you just let this go?" Answer, "No, I can't, I won't." I'm fighting this with everything I can, short of taking up arms.

When we get our sig lines back, you'll see that mine says,

It's not 2004, it's not even 1984, it's 1934 and I am not a good German.
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SHRED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:49 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yep
"It's not 2004, it's not even 1984, it's 1934 and I am not a good German."
Good line, I hear ya!

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LynzM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 08:21 AM
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3. Good article, I am bookmarking it
And I agree with the first comment that people just want to be able to keep their eyes and ears closed to this kind of information. If I don't know it, or refuse to believe it, then it can't possibly be true.

I, for one, would like to be considered a 'bad American' in some ways, by 2004 standards!
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soleft Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 09:24 AM
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4. Link didn't work
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genieroze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 02:35 AM
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5. worked for me
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