Just as the Bushies' best war-on-terror "feel good" story was going up in smoke, courtesy of the Washington Post, it's become increasingly obvious that Rove/Cheney/Bush & Co. have gotten virtually everything wrong that could go wrong in both Iraq and the wider war-on-terror. In fact, the only thing they seem to do well is lie, obscure, obfuscate, and dissemble as they attempted to do with both the Pat Tillman story and as they previously did with the Jessica Lynch story. Lynch, the peaches-and-cream Appalachian girl was having none of her White House generated hero myth and told everyone within earshot that she was treated well in captivity, and given the kind of guy Tillman was, he'd be spittin' mad to know that his sacrifice was corrupted by the White house/Pentagon lie machine.
But aside from spinning phony Audie Murphy yarns about the young lives they've been wasting for the past 3 years, what else has this bunch got right? Troop strength levels in Iraq will be up to 150,000 before the end of the year, from 115,000 in February and hundreds of U.S. soldiers and Marines have been killed since Mr. Core Values made his asinine macho "bring it on" (to the insurgents) comment last year. In fact, just this year insurgent attacks on coalition forces have gone from an average of 400 a month in February to 2,400 a month today. Your liberal elite media is failing to keep you informed of these developments, but you have Fox Television and the Reverend Jerry Falwell to let you know on a daily basis just how swimmingly things are going these days. Thank God for the "backdoor draft", that convenient combo of stop loss orders for active duty military and ready reserve call-ups for retired military, otherwise Handsome Johnny would be selling off his surf board, mothballing his Yamaha and heading off to divinity school (or Canada), but there are no guarantees the draft won't eventually happen anyway. Did you see 60 Minutes Sunday night? The 4'8" 55-year-old lady who's been called up into the ready reserves after mustering out of the military in the 60's? At least some of the stop loss guys are wising up to the situation. Say what? You want me to what? Another year??!! Are you f****n' nuts??!!
Diane Feinstein and Joe Biden, both having recently returned from Iraq, are asking the President to at least tell the truth about the situation over there, even if both of the Senators have long since given up on Bush's ability to really do anything about it. What they apparently don't understand is that Bush's inability to tell the truth is rivaled only by his inability to solve the dilemma that he and his Spur Posse created in the first place. So while their self-serving circle jerk continues, good men and women like Tillman and Lynch find that their collective sacrifice is just more grist for the White House propaganda mill. And for every ex- pro football player and pretty little girl-next-door, there are 100's of everyday Joe's and Judy's getting blasted to smithereens over their because of the arrogance and incompetence of this Administration. Mr. President, take a bow.