So, now the polluters are suing to avoid complying. Interesting. Yeah Honda, they were not a part of this.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers sued the California Air Resources Board (ARB) over ARB's rule implementing the state's vehicle global warming law.
"It is disappointing -- though not surprising -- that the same automakers buying ads touting their environmental commitments are suing to prevent California from protecting its citizens from the effects of global warming," said Dan Becker, Washington Director of the Sierra Club's Global Warming Program. "If these automakers are so committed to reducing global warming emissions, why are they suing to prevent California from doing just that?" continued Becker.
Recently, General Motors has run ads promoting its diesel- electric "magic bus." Additionally, Ford has recently committed to cutting 45 percent of its global warming emissions from all its cars by 2030. And Fujio Cho, Toyota's President, has said "if automakers don't reduce smog-forming emissions, greenhouse gases, and the need for petroleum, I believe we won't be in business."
Assembly Bill 1493 -- sometimes known as the Pavely Law, after its lead sponsor -- would require automobile makers to reduce global warming emissions from new cars and light trucks beginning in 2009. The Pavely Law is a large step in the right direction because it delivers clean car choices for consumers, and encourages cost-effective, currently available technology to reduce global warming emissions.
"Auto companies should give their lawyers a break and instead put their engineers to work doing what their ads claim -- protecting people from global warming," continued Becker.
The Pavely Law has widespread support from Californians, a majority of the California legislature, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seven other U.S. states and Canada are in various stages of adopting California's global warming law.
The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers is a trade association that includes all of the major automobile manufacturers except for Honda Motor Car Company.