Poor widdle xians--so oppressed by the all-powerful satanic smart people.
Tyranny of the nonbelievers
December 10, 2004
I had the recent displeasure of appearing before the local chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, many if not most of whose members appeared to me to be committed atheists.
The forum was supposed to consider "A candidate's religion. When does it matter?" But the discussion quickly disintegrated into an ugly attack on religion by the godless majority in the room.
By the time the evening was over, I knew how the Christians felt when they were fed to the lions.
Now, I'm no holy roller. I do not expect everyone to share my religious faith. I respect the right of others not to believe in a supreme being.
But what offends me is the contempt that the atheist minority has for the overwhelming majority of us who do believe in God. What angers me is that the atheist minority is waging an unholy war against God, against religion, in communities throughout the once-fair land.
Indeed, California, the modern day Babylon, is ground zero in the war on religion.
The entire offensive screed at:
http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20041210/news_lz1e10perkins.html And he couldn't get through it without invoking Clinton.