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Rewarding Incompetency

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Mugsy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 02:42 PM
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Rewarding Incompetency
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 02:57 PM by Mugsy
It was one year ago Wednesday that Paul Bremer announced to the world that we had captured Saddam Hussein. Yesterday Bremmer, along with General Tommy Franks and former CIA chief George Tenent all received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our highest civilian honor, to these buffoons. I liken this to a King and Queen that try to convince the rest of the world that a Mona Lisa splattered with mud by their bratty children actually looks better with the mud than without. Who do they think they're fooling?

Besides the fact that Franks said we didn't need more troops, besides Tenet calling the WMD case against Saddam "a slam dunk", and despite Bremmer's decision to disband the Iraqi army, adding about ten thousand armed, trained and angry unemployed Iraqi soldiers to the insurgency, the fact that these three men are being so honored is no more bizarre than the man who chose to honor them and his backwards Bizzaro-World where up is down and bad is good.

In the backwards Bizzaro-World of George Bush, every cabinet member who did *not* give the President bad information, some of whom were even borderline competent, resigned less than a month after his re-election. And who stayed behind: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (responsible for an undermanned, ill-equipped military invading a non-threatening country under false pretences and turned a blind eye to the prisoner abuses in 12 Iraqi prisons now under our control, most notably Abu Ghraib), and Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, who declared at the RNC Convention that the Bush economy was the strongest fastest growing economy in thirty years with the lowest unemployment rate since the 1970's... are two of the four staying who really should be looking for work in the private sector today... if anyone would actually hire their incompetent asses.

After the quick fall of Baghdad in April of 2003, the soldiers expected to return home quickly after wrapping things up in Iraq. And why not? The war was over. "Mission Accomplished", right? But it wasn't. The fighting continued. The Bush Administration blamed it on Saddam's escape and "dead-enders" hoping to see his eventual return to power. Then one year ago (December 14, 2003), Bremmer announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!" and again people all around me acted like the war was over. But it wasn't. And this time the Bush Administration blamed it on the fact that Iraqi's had not been restored to power in their own country.

Then power was handed over to the Interim Iraqi Governing Council last June, and still the fighting continued. The Bush Administration blamed it on the lack of an Iraqi government that was viewed as "legitimate", and "foreign insurgents" from other countries seeking to destabilize that government. The solution they now believe is "elections". But the violence in Iraq is so bad right now that no one thinks a nation-wide election by the end of January is feasible. The likelihood is that, at best, only 70% of the country will be in areas safe enough to even get to the polls. 30% of the country might be disenfranchised because it isn't safe enough for them to get out and vote. What might that do to the legitimacy of whoever's elected? And this illegitimately elected Iraqi President is supposed to help bring about the end of the war?

Any guesses as to what that result will be this time?

Eventually someone is going to go to Capitol Hill and tell these idiots to stop rewarding incompetency. People are dying, jobs are still being lost, the deficit is sky-rocketing, the dollar in becoming worthless, interest rates are on the rise despite a still weak economy because leaving them so low is even more dangerous, and the country is basically no safer today from a terrorist attack than it was on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Anyone with a good idea on how to get through to these clueless jackasses ruing our country, please tell me. :(

Mugsy of the BI30 Archive.
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BlueEyedSon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 02:45 PM
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1. Agreed. Kick
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Vincardog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 02:47 PM
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2. The only way to get thought to these clueless jackasses ruining our
country is to get rid of illegitimately elected US pResident who started the war.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 02:56 PM
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3. Props.
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Omegaman Donating Member (23 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-04 07:24 PM
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4. I don't know Mugsy
I thought we could get the clowns out in November but their BS machine was too powerful, and Kerry was too afraid of having a spine to do any good for himself. Thinking back I am starting to think that it might be GOOD that Bush won, what with the cons taking (read stealing) the House and Senate they own it now, to use Powell's analogy. I know I got that idea from someone on either this site or one of the other Democratic sites (read intelligent and thoughtful). So when everything goes to Hades in a hand basket the only people they have to blame are themselves. Of course they will try to blame anything or anyone else BUT themselves but I hope that most of America will see the truth.
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