It's Time to Stop Being Hit
By Michael Moore
Monday 13 December 2004
Dear Friends,
It is no surprise that the Republicans are sore winners. They have spent the better part of the past month beating their chests, threatening to send to Siberia any Republican who doesn't toe the line (poor Arlen Specter), and promising everything short of martial law if the Democrats don't do what they are told.
What's worse is to watch the pathetic sight of the DLC (the conservative, pro-corporate group of Democrats) apologizing for being Democrats and promising to "purge" the party of the likes of, well, all of US! Their comments are so hilarious and really not even worth recognizing but the media is paying so much attention to them, I thought it might be worth doing a little reality check.
The most people the DLC is able to get out to an event of theirs is about 200 at their annual dinner (where you have to pay thousands of dollars to get in). Moore is telling Democrats to stop being enablers. He's saying the Democratic party leadership is taking us down the wrong road and we need to stop apologizing for being the party of the people!
We need to take our party back! How did we get into this mess? Well, it took years for the Republicans to bully their way into complete and total power.
They did it by cheating, by stealing and probably by having enemies "taken care of."