Edited on Thu Sep-04-03 07:18 AM by Neo Progressive
Maybe she has turrets, or downs syndrome, or some kind of mental defect where she doesn't realize several things. Here are the parts I love:
Would that the Democrats would give the war in Iraq as much time to succeed as they are willing to give the "War on Poverty," now entering its 40th year.
Okay since LBJ proposed the war on poverty forty years ago we've had 17 years of leadership by the Democrats, 23 by the Republicans. Now in eight of those 17 years America had a consistent drop in the crime rate, the biggest economic growth in American history, and all that under one moderate centrist Democrat. During I think every single year of the Republican administrations there was massive debt and our deficit was growing like a child with a pubic disorder. Sorry Ann, you lose that point.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor recently upheld a 25-year failed experiment in race discrimination for college admissions.
I mean I can't agree more, it's so fucking hard for white people to succeed in this country! Christ, I mean, it used to be politics was all white, now it's only 95% (guessing here) white! Jesus Ann quit worrying that one white girl may have to go to Michigan State.
To be fair, encouraging Democrats to come up with new ideas is fraught with danger. One Democrat who has recently demonstrated her out-of-the-box thinking is Mattie Hunter, a Democratic state senator in Illinois. (You knew she was a Democrat when the New York Times neglected to provide a party affiliation.) After a fired employee returned to the auto supply warehouse in Hunter's district to gun down six of his former colleagues, she demanded an investigation into ... the circumstances of the gunman's firing. "How did they do it?" she said. "Did they just say, 'We're going to fire you'? Was it done professionally? In today's day, everyone is under a lot of pressure. When someone loses their job, it's a shock and tragedy in itself."
Oh where to begin. Maybe this state senator was looking into ways companies can let go of people so the chances for violent reaction is minimized! HOW ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUPID!!! This is as idiotic as when she claims it's anti-American for liberals to want to figure out what is driving Islamic terror groups' passion for blowing our shit up. God, I wish a lot of Al Franken's book were truly satire...