U.S. obviously didn't do all it could to protect troops
December 17, 2004
President Bush said, "As I have told many families I met with, we're doing everything we possibly can to protect your loved ones in a mission that is vital and important." In fact, until Wilson's question, we obviously were not.
That brings us to the final headline: "At Bush Inauguration, Lunch Will Set You Back $250,000." This is a lunch with Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, obviously exclusive to the high tax brackets.
The arithmetic is too tempting. It costs $25,000 to fully armor a Humvee. Each $250,000 lunch ticket could go straight to equipping 10 vehicles, so our reservists and Guards in Iraq won't have to ride around with homemade sandbags on the floor.
Do it, Mr. Bush. Donate your lunch money to the troops.<snip>