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Betraying the Sick in Africa - NY Times op-ed

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Cassandra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 09:06 AM
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Betraying the Sick in Africa - NY Times op-ed

" This undercutting of trumpeted compassion initiatives is a habit with the president because of his devotion to tax cuts for the wealthy. But officials are arguing that AIDS money cannot be spent wisely because the office of the AIDS coordinator — and Africa — is not ready.

Both assertions are nonsense. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is besieged with excellent vetted proposals from African nations desperate to fight AIDS. Multiple billions could be effectively spent on AIDS prevention and treatment and help for orphans. And countries that lack the ability to run good programs need money to build that capacity. But the Global Fund is too broke to help. If the administration cannot overcome its mysterious distaste for this organization, it could simply take some of the country proposals and finance them directly. "

I can hardly stomach this administration anymore, or the media that has taken so long to get off their asses and start reporting some of this stuff. Where IS the outrage?
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Zuni Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 09:34 AM
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1. Now this really makes me mad
The AIDS initiative in Africa was one step that bush took that i wholeheartedly supported.
A photo-op, and some press conferences designed to improve his appearance as a 'compassionate' conservative.
Until today, I felt a little sympathy for Bush, and thought maybe down inside he might really want to do some good things.
If he withdraws this money, it will be clear it was just a ploy to manipulate the public.
And this will disgust me more than anything else bush has done.
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