The Revolution? It's Over.
The Rest is Just Enforcement
© By Dorothy Anne Seese
The cultural revolution is over. Without a shot being fired other than by government agents, America was changed, transformed, from a land of liberty to a nation of multicultural tolerance dolts with liberal educations and preemptive mindsets. There is still a bit of mop up work to do to clear out some radical free-thinkers (mostly pesky Christians and diehards of the Confederacy and its battle flag) but they will be eradicated within a decade. One way or another.
The Revolution is over, and Americans are desensitized to the point where nothing short of an attack on New York, Washington, or San Francisco will get their attention, a larger attack than Nine-Eleven. Cases of outrage are few. The government ran some tests as to the outrage threshold of Americans and found it was peculiarly dense, satisfactory to the cultural commandants, when free Americans shrugged their shoulders at:
The outsourcing of American border security to Accenture, a Bermuda-based corporation (formerly Arthur Andersen and Co. of the Enron scandal infamy), to pay offshore crooks up to $10 billion to "defend" the American borders, but no one has said which way the guns will be facing. We do know that the U.S. Marines, when questioned as to whether they would fire on fellow Americans, said "no." Outsourcing to mercenaries is the only answer to a military that is loyal to its countrymen until they can be replaced by those whose mindset is not to protect the people but only the state and the powers that run it.
Whoever controls the firepower controls the state, which is why the insistence of the various UN and liberal American globalists that average citizens surrender their guns. Los Angeles is out of control with gangs and a police force that is not controlling them. Murder rates in both Los Angeles, California and Phoenix, Arizona are staggering.