http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/na/chi-0412090169dec09,0,7244555.story?coll=chi-news-hed">CORSICANA, Texas -- Strapped to a gurney in Texas' death chamber earlier this year, just moments from his execution for setting a fire that killed his three daughters, Cameron Todd Willingham declared his innocence one last time.
"I am an innocent man, convicted of a crime I did not commit," Willingham said angrily. "I have been persecuted for 12 years for something I did not do."
While Texas authorities dismissed his protests, a Tribune investigation of his case shows that Willingham was prosecuted and convicted based primarily on arson theories that have since been repudiated by scientific advances. According to four fire experts consulted by the Tribune, the original investigation was flawed and it is even possible the fire was accidental.'
'At 6 p.m., Willingham was brought to the death chamber at the prison at Huntsville. In a final statement, he avowed his innocence, said goodbye to friends and hurled expletives at his former wife, who had come to witness the execution.
That night, the Willinghams drove back home to Ardmore, Okla. Gene Willingham said he did not want to be in Texas anymore.
"Texas says they don't kill innocent people," he said. "But they sure killed an innocent person with him."
After the execution, Pat Cox, Willingham's cousin, said she got a call from a lawyer in the governor's office. He told Cox what she already knew: that Perry had refused to grant a stay.
Then, Cox said, "he gave everybody in the family his condolences." '
This is really goddamn depressing. Oh, and if you want a rant on it, mine is
http://www.livejournal.com/users/slimshadowen/10826.html">here. I feel almost vile linking to my blog from
this of all threads, but I feel so drained after venting my spleen all over the Interweb that I can't even summon the energy to C&P it in addition to the pertinent story info.