Final Translation of Osama Bin Laden's Audio
Source: JUS | 9:58:25 AM
Here is Part 2 of the latest statement of Sheikh Osama bin Laden, uncut and uncensored, addressing the rulers of Saudi Arabia as released on the internet December 16, 2004, in a 74 minute audio tape. In this segment, the Sheikh points out some of the offenses the Saudi rulers have committed, what their true intentions are and the effect this has on the Ummah.
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(Tape translation)
Riyadh rulers have decided to change the education curricula for fear of America. The adverse impact of these changes on both our religion and our culture is very obvious. As to the impact on religion, is it apostasy, as you know. The impact on our culture will be manifested in the new graduates of the new programs. New graduates will be friends and allies of America, they will learn to sell their national interest for personal gains, and they will learn to smile at the face of any American even though he occupies their land , robs their wealth, erases their identity, and imposes his western customs under the excuse of equal rights and United Nations Charter. This is a true of model of interfering in our domestic policies.
The ruling families in the area have also responded positively to America’s agenda. Rulers have betrayed the Muslim masses in order to please their masters in Washington.
Take King Hussain, for example, he betrayed the Palestinians people as he continued to follow the same path which his grand father started and which his father followed as well. And now his son, Abdul Allah, the 2nd is doing his part in the grand mission against Palestine and the rest of Muslims. And Muhammad, the 5th , King of Morocco, is following his father and grandfather’s footsteps. Neither time nor space allows for listing and discussing all of the ruling families plots against Islam, therefore, we will focus on some of the most important.
The Riyadh government has joined the global crusade alliance headed by Bush against Islam and Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. The rulers in Riyadh have allowed the American forces to use bases in the holy land as launch pads from which they invaded Iraq with great deal of ease. The Saudi defense minister has insulted all Muslims and their religion when he claimed that his government allowed the Americans to use their airports for humanitarian reasons. And as if that was not enough, they have recently played a new episode of their ongoing plots against Muslims, to be seen by everyone. They came up with an initiative to send Arabic and Islamic troops to maintain peace in Iraq. So, they not only joined forces with the Kafirs against Muslims, but they came up with their initiative in order to legitimize the American occupation of Iraq. Allah is sufficient for us against them and we place our full trust in Allah.
The rest