Certain aspects of the parties are sure to put people in the holiday spirit. Though the president is, self-admittedly, a reformed heavy drinker, the booze flows freely at these White House gatherings, and guests are appreciative.
But they're also mindful of the dignity of their surroundings, an atmosphere enhanced by all the ramrod-straight young military personnel who serve as White House ushers. So no one ever appears smashed at these gatherings.
Sobriety is aided by the ample supply of hors d'oeuvres, such as tiny lamb chops, smoked salmon and sliced beef, that load the buffet tables.
There's also the healthy fear of making a fool of oneself in front of the president of the United States that likely keeps people from overdoing it. Even so, the heavily spiked eggnog got especially good reviews from this year's guests.
While a young officer had reminded us that it was one shot and out, no do-overs, she mentioned nothing about the first lady putting her arm around my back.
So when it happened, I was caught off-guard. "Hey, she didn't do that last year," I thought. "Am I supposed to slip my arm behind her back? Can you do that to the first lady? What will the Secret Service do?"
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0412220357dec22,1,6120069.story?coll=chi-news-hedHe's a "reformed heavy drinker", never an "alcholic".