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The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis part III

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genieroze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:00 PM
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The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis part III
Parts I and II are there.

Rise of the Amerikan Nazis

Amerikan Terrorists, American Tragedy

Part III of III - Part I Here - Part II Here

Manuel Valenzuela

American Mutation

12/22/04 "ICH" -- When the thunderous clouds of fascists past and corporatists present finally dissipate over the vast lands of the United States, leaving in its wake a nation recovering from the violent downpours of mass lunacy, fear and collective schizophrenia that have caused a dustbowl-style drought of humanity in the nation of gluttonous undertakings, it will finally be seen, beyond the enveloping haze of post 9/11 hypnosis hindering American visibility, the devastation of what was done to us and what has been done to the world in our name, oftentimes with our willing consent and through our complicit guilt through silence and acquiescence.

The shock and awe storm of the Amerikan Nazis will inevitably one day pass, as all tyrannies eventually do, yet what will remain to haunt us, what will tug at our conscious for years to come, will be the dishonor and shame upon our society for the human malice spawned in the minds of so many millions of Americans. For the Amerikan Nazi phenomenon has with the passing of each sunset grown and mutated beyond the small cabal of criminal corporatists, power hungry warmongering fascists, military-industrial complex elites, delusional Zionist-first neocons, religious Bible-Belt fundamentalists and profit over people capitalists. Today, the cancer is spreading far and wide, infecting those residing inside the belly of the beast, afflicting first and foremost the most unenlightened and ignorant among us.

Tens of millions of Americans are being transformed into conduits of barbarism and catalysts of violence, regenerating the evil of racism against an entire population of purposefully scapegoated innocents whose only crime is belonging to a group the Amerikan Nazis have chosen as the necessary enemy from which to unleash perpetual war for perpetual profit. The deliberate conditioning of tens of millions of citizens by the Amerikan Nazis into purveyors of mass murder and violence accepting and indeed deriving pleasure from the death of 100,000 innocent Iraqis should send shockwaves throughout the world that perhaps a communal lunacy has infiltrated a large segment of the American people.

This has been achieved through the deadly mixture of raging patriotism/nationalism and the powerful ignorance ingrained in Christian fundamentalism methodically injected into the populace. The Amerika of the Amerikan Nazis is a land where the collective memory of the population is easily forgotten and recycled in spans of eight and twelve hours. It is a land where news is as artificial as aspartame, and as corrosive and cancerous to the mind as the sweetener is to the body. Amerika is a nation where the attention-span of the average American is that of a gnat, from birth the brain rewired through ceaseless hours of watching rapid-moving, perfection-filled fiction television imagery.
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Karenca Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:25 PM
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1. I just read all three parts---
and there was nothing there I did not know,
reading Valenzuela's perspective is absolutely chilling.

What can we do but protest this election and send mass mailings to the media who is not even willing to question our tragic circumstance?

Thank you for posting the essay---It should be read by everyone, Democrats and Regressives too.

Now I am more depressed and scared than ever before.
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JaneDoughnut Donating Member (402 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:38 PM
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2. He's right
Being right, of course, makes him an enemy of the state.
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