Only this time we ain't buying, for the innocent days of last September! You will recall it was one year ago that White House chief of staff Andrew Card said, "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August." Card was not referring to some innocuous national -- or empire-wide -- book circle presided over by Laura Bush or a pretzel-eating contest/fund-raiser hosted by the commander in chief.
No, Card was talking about the sales campaign that began last September for the war we are currently enjoying in Iraq and may soon be seeing in Iran and Syria. You will recall it was then -- with the willing participation of our nation's media, most notably Judith Miller of the New York Times -- that we began to be hammered, from all sides, about Saddam's nuclear capability, about his weapons of mass destruction, about his alleged ties to the Sept. 11 attacks, and so forth. All very ominous, all accompanied by multi-hued terror alerts.