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Friedman: Sunday News Quiz (Good column on * screwing U.S.)

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:11 PM
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Friedman: Sunday News Quiz (Good column on * screwing U.S.)

My wife constantly regales me about her favorite National Public Radio show, "Wait Wait ...Don't Tell Me." The show features three journalists who have to answer questions about the week's news. Some of the news stories they are quizzed about seem totally unbelievable, while others are straightforward. Well, this is my last column for 2004, so let's play a little "Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me." I'll give you 10 news stories from the past few weeks and you tell me what they all have in common.

1. The report that Colin Powell told President Bush a few weeks ago that we do not have enough troops in Iraq and that we don't control the terrain. 2. The report that the Pentagon's $10 billion-a-year effort to build an antimissile shield, and have a basic ground-based version in place by the end of this year, ran into difficulty two weeks ago when the first test in almost two years failed because the interceptor missile didn't take off. 3. The report that the Bush-Republican budget for 2005 contained a $100 million cut in federal funding to the National Science Foundation. 4. The report that at a time when young Americans are competing head to head with young Chinese, Indians and Eastern Europeans more than ever, the Bush team is trimming support for the Pell grant program, which helps poor and working-class young Americans get a higher education. (The change will save $300 million, while some 1.3 million students will receive smaller Pell grants.)

5. The report this month that children in Asian countries once again surpassed U.S. fourth graders and eighth graders in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. (U.S. eighth graders did improve their scores from four years ago, but U.S. fourth graders remained stagnant.) A week earlier, the Program for International Student Assessment showed U.S. 15-year-olds scoring below average compared with those in other countries when asked to apply math skills to real-life tasks, the A.P. reported. 6. The report this month that the Bush administration has reduced America's contribution to global food aid programs intended to help the world's hungry feed themselves. (The Bush team said the cut was necessary to keep our deficit under control!) 7. The report that U.S. military spending this year is running at about $450 billion.

Wait, wait, don't go way; there's more: 8. The report that Donald Rumsfeld was confronted by troops in Iraq about the fact that they did not have enough armor on their vehicles and were having to scrounge for makeshift armor to protect themselves. 9. The report that among President Bush's top priorities in his second term is to simplify the tax code and to make the sweeping tax cuts from his first term permanent. (The cost to the Treasury for doing so, the A.P. reported, would be over a trillion.) And finally: 10. The report that the U.S. dollar continued to hover near record lows against the euro.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:15 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wait, wait
Don't Tell Me was just on NPR, and is the only program I listen to there anymore, as the news has been taken over by right wingers. Maybe the co-opting of all news sources is one reason so many Americans are so blase as our country's future slowly circles the bowl, to borrow a crude analogy from Lennie Briscoe.
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goclark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I read about them at DU
and had a spin put on them in the Media?
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stopbush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 04:12 PM
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3. Wait, it possible that Tom Freidman's cheer-leading for the war
in Iraq (and *'s presidency in general) was just a pre-emptive maneuverer to create a reality that he could bitch about in the second * term?

Wow! That's foresight!
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