it turns out it, is all about oil
Big News Monday 27th December, 2004
Back in the halcyon days before the beginning of the second Gulf War in March 2003 the Heritage Foundation, a leading conservative Washington think tank, published an influential paper called 'The Road to Economic Prosperity for a Post-Saddam Iraq' by Ariel Cohen and Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. that advocated the rapid privatization of the Iraqi oil industry.
Those were also the days when Richard Perle, then the head of the Defense Policy Board, an advisory panel that acted as the unofficial think tank and prime outside advisers for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, was attracting scores of millions of dollars of investment to his Trireme Investments. The company looked certain to have an inside track on winning contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq. And it was also a time when media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, The Times of London, the neo-conservative Weekly Standard, the New York Post and much else beside was openly rejoicing to his friends how the toppling of Saddam Hussein in Iraq would rapidly lead to oil prices falling to only $20 a barrel.
Almost two years later, global oil prices have stabilized -- for the moment -- in the mid $40s a barrel after reaching highs of $54 a barrel, China's exponentially growing hunger for oil, its soaring auto production and its plans announced just this week to launch an inter-province highway program comparable to the vast U.S. construction of the 1950s guarantee that global demand has not peaked but will continue to soar.
A very interesting article!!!