This article below makes the case that a Rumsfeld dismissal would mark a further move to consolidate power by the neo-con clique. It struck me that this sort of consolidation of power would represent the beginning of a crescendo phase of fascism. The outcome would determine whether we would be dominated by a low profile totalitarian regime ruled by low intensity terror (as I recall Peter Dale Scott's phrase for it) or whether we get the full blown variety where the ideologues establish party control over the corporatists.
If the twentieth century European model for fascism prevails conscription would be in and new bureaucracies bridging state and corporate sectors would prevail over private enterprise concepts of economy, which are in jeopardy now of being thrown completely out the window as the drive to conquer the Asian resources and markets emerges in its full regalia. Target Rumsfeld
Rumsfeld, His Critics and the Draft
<The big conflict during the first Bush term was of course that between Colin Powell on the one hand and Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and all the neocons on the other. That conflict will soon be resolved with Powell's departure. Despite setbacks, the neocons have generally enhanced their position since the election. The key figures (Wolfowitz, Feith, Libby, Wurmser, Bolton, Abrams) retain their influence within the second tier of power. Neocon propagandists such as Bill Kristol, David Frum, and Richard Perle enjoy unbounded access to a generally deferential media; when not in government, they flash credentials as members of a handful of interconnected rightwing think tanks. Some suppose the neocons have triumphed, but that is simplistic. Much depends on the neocons' relationships to Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and new National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley.>
In any case, my position is that the full blown variety needs to take its course to reach its ultimate demise and repudiation. Rumsfeldts version of state power as represented by the assault on the Constitution is more sinister as it has lulled the public to sleep.