Economist Paul Roberts wrote on January 21, 2003, "Will America become a Third World country in 20 years?" In the Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 2003, "But as the US economy shifted toward service jobs, factory jobs have steadily lost-in fact in just the past 39 months, some 2.8 million jobs vanished."
Where are they going? China. India. Mexico. Deep into the Third World. "You Americans have lived an artificially high standard of living for a long time," a man working one our jobs outsourced to India wrote me. "It's time you Americans drop to the poverty levels of the rest of the Third World."
American jobs are offshored, insourced and outsourced at such blinding speed that millions of American citizens stand in unemployment lines every morning while the rest of us go to work, that is, if we still have jobs.
America's middle class is being dismantled by jobs exported to cheap-labor Third World countries. CEOs and corporations that enjoy the luxuries of America's hard won freedom care not a tinker's dam whether you have a job or not-or a living wage. But the American man and woman on the street--the ones with two kids, a mortgage and bills coming out of their ears--stand powerless as their jobs vanish.
By Frosty Wooldridge