A hypothesis that Microsoft's Windows XP is a complex variation of a bugging device.
M$ Windows XP Professional Bugging Device?
By Mark McCarron
( MarkMcCarron_ITT@hotmail.com, angelofd7@icqmail.com)
Context, context, context. I was sick hearing that phrase from Egyptologists in regards to my research on the Great Pyramid. They never could grasp that context is irrelevant to the scientific process or methodology, science examines facts, not interpretation. In saying that, they taught me a lot, it is funny how the entire aspect of a thing or situation can change, just by applying a different context to it.
In this article, I intend to do just that, with Microsoft's Windows Operating System.
If you have ever wondered, if;
1. Microsoft, was secretly spying on end-user machines?
2. Big Brother deployment scenarios were real?
3. M$ Windows was a type of bugging device?
Then this, is for you my friend, the 'Top-47 Windows bugging functions', and then some. There is also an appendix on forensic methodology and Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM).
All sing...'There may be trouble ahead...' :)
If You Could See, What I Can See, Reinstalling Windows...
In general, to people in the western hemisphere; bugging devices, parabolic microphones, signal tracing, satellite tracking and secret government agencies, performing highly illegal activities, on a covert basis, are the source of inspiration for novels, movies and theater, rather than any real event.
These devices and activities have been part-and-parcel of my life (and almost anyone else in Northern Ireland), from the moment of birth and conspiracy theories are simply facts of daily life that, could put, any of my friends, or myself, into an early grave. Therefore, it is only natural for me to see things in a military context and this provides a very interesting picture of odd behavior, at Redmond and various other big names, throughout the US.
Microsoft is of the 'opinion' that its software is an operating system with a wide range of 'features'. As I am about to demonstrate, that is simply a matter of 'how you see things' and the context in which they are highlighted in. This is a very subjective experience and different people tend to see different things, simply because their own personal context is automatically applied, a 'bias', if you will.
The point to hold, in the front of your mind, throughout reading this article, is the fact that the 'features' and their descriptions, presented here, are accurate representations of Window functions, in their own right, however, any suggestion as to motivation would be speculation.