Are Freelancers Running Our Russia Policy?
by Patrick J. Buchanan the neoconservatives and their neo-liberal collaborators in the global crusade for democracy pushing America into confrontation and a second Cold War with Russia? So it would seem.
Ex-CIA director James Woolsey threw out the word "fascist" on FOX News the other night in describing Putin's Russia. Earlier, he was quoted as saying, "The Russian government under Putin has moved to within striking distance of being, essentially, fascist."
Zbigniew Brzezinski in a Wall Street Journal essay last fall referred to Putin as "Moscow's Mussolini" and described his regime as "in many ways ... similar to Mussolini's fascism."
As Woolsey is a former DCI and Zbig an ex-national security adviser, Moscow is likely to regard these as fighting words. As would we, if ex-high-level officials in Russia suddenly began calling George W. Bush a fascist and our government fascistic.
If President Bush will not get control of NED and its progeny, or defund the rogues, or assume responsibility for them all, Congress must hold public hearings. At least let the people know who is steering us into a new Cold War with Russia and the "World War IV" that ex-Director Woolsey and his friends have in store for us.