Thank God that in a Christian nation, a righteous man can reach for his shotgun if it's the only way to keep the morally rebellious on a straight path. That's the gospel Paul Hill preached to others and believed fervently himself. As an example to his followers, Hill remained a stranger to repentance nearly a decade after pulling the trigger that ended two lives and injured a third.
In a highly evolved Christian society like ours, what's the point of worrying about something as petty as repentance? In a Christian nation, murder is always relative as long as you can kill in the name of love or freedom or whatever reason fits as determined by the president and his omnipotent Cabinet that week.
You know you're living in a righteous land when Christians in Alabama bow before a 5,300-pound Ten Commandments monument without feeling even slightly embarrassed about their complicity in idolatry.
The highest achievement of a Christian nation is to evolve so far beyond the faith it is ostensibly based on as to be unrecognizable to anyone who takes Christianity seriously. Christian nations consider it a duty to be suspicious of disreputable notions like mercy and forgiveness when the eye-for-an-eye ethic has worked so well for thousands of years in the Holy Land.