use of the word "Zionist", etc, etc, in this piece is ill advised. And using Pat Buchanan's narrow definition of the neocons is similarly ill advised. Pat uses this narrow definition as a device to let him attack policies (and a few key players) without attacking the real powers behind those policies. (And the neocons are primarily Christians, although only nominal ones.)
This is a clever device, it works to Pat's personal interests, it is a way of bashing liberals (his "neocons" are also mostly "ex-liberals"), it does not unduly upset fellow right wing "Christian" activists, and it is a relatively safe thing to do. But it also leaves him (and his hard-nosed perspective) open to accusations of being anti-Semitic.
I have never met Mr Buchanan, and I have no idea if he is anti-Semitic or not. But I firmly believe that anti-Semitism is not the reason that he identifies neocons in the narrow manner that he does. -- He is far too crafty for that. (And I do not view this statement as being a compliment -- but rather as a frank "appreciation" of an enemy.)
And Pat has certainly has opened the door to runaway anti-Semitism by this artifice (his bold-faced deceit in defining the neocons the way that he does), and anti-Semitism is something that all well intentioned people must stand against.
But I suspect that this is only more artifice, effectively covering up the actual circumstances (of broad Christian -- and of the powerful generally -- involvement in neocon schemes), and leaving the (his) remaining narrow viewpoint inevitably subject to the broad-brush tarring of anti-Semitism. -- The net effect of all this is that while his voice is heard, widespread acceptance (with all its potential repercussions) of the truth underlaying the lies that he so carefully constructs, is effectively self-limited (as is, of course, acceptance of what he does say).
But I am probably giving him too much credit -- still he is a slippery one. -- And we had better count our fingers if we are to shake his or his cohort's hands.