Don't shoot the messenger. Here is the piece:,0,3584860.story?coll=ny-viewpoints-headlines<snip>
The burning question, of course, is who would succeed Rehnquist as chief justice. While many names have been floated, President George W. Bush has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who strongly shares his conservative philosophy on issues from abortion to affirmative action to the relationship between the federal government and the states. The prospect of Scalia as chief justice sends most Democrats into a near panic, fearing that a court dominated by his jurisprudence would be a disaster for progressive concerns such women's rights, workers' rights, environmental protection and a host of other mainstream interests.
Many liberal advocacy groups are ready to demand the filibuster of a possible Scalia appointment, which is the only way he could be defeated in the Senate. But that would be a mistake. The filibuster is a scorched-earth tactic that cannot be used endlessly, and it would be better to hold it in reserve than to use it in Scalia's case. In fact, liberals (like me) might almost welcome Scalia's nomination as chief, for at least the following reasons...