by Myrrander
Mon Jan 3rd, 2005 at 12:19:59 PST
Well, I never thought I did, but according to some articles I've read lately, it seems that I'm as unpatriotic as Benedict Arnold, as anti-American as Hanoi Jane, and as insidious in my thinking as Stalin and Castro's love child. I've been wondering for a few minutes about how I could have been so blind to think that I loved my country and her constitution. I've been thinking over and over, "how could I have been so wrong? How could I ever have thought that pointing out problems with our system could have been showing love?" The best I can tell, true love for America means never questioning authority, and never speaking against anything the government does abroad. And of course, making American CEOs rich, richer, richest.
What follows are the details of my realization.
I admit, I've been a fool. I really did think that I loved being American. I really did think that our constitutional rights were the greatest gift any country has ever given its citizens. I've been voting and faithfully paying my taxes all these years, but I was mistaken in thinking I wanted to vote for the best people to run this country so that my tax money might go for making a "more perfect union." Instead, I have obviously, in my subconscious, been hoping for the destruction of this country - exemplified by the fact that I disagree with her preventively attacking other countries with small armies and few weapons. I realize now that anyone my country says is evil must die, and that only their blood can fertilize the roots of this great country.
I've decided to come clean. I've decided to admit to you all the reasons that I hate America, and hopefully I can get a cheap ticket to France on price-line, as I am obviously only fit to be one of those cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Here are the reasons that I hate America:
1 of 19 I drive a Japanese car. With a John Kerry for President bumper sticker on it. My other vehicle is American made, but I realize now that buying an economical compact car with a longer warranty than any American compact was an act of pure America-hatred.
2 of 19 I voted for John Kerry. John Kerry obviously hates America, because after he came back from Vietnam, he told the Senate that he didn't think fighting on a tiny peninsula thousands of miles away was worth one of his best friends dying, and his crew mates dying. He was also obviously un-American by refusing to die himself, deciding only to imbed shrapnel in his arm so that he could subvert the American government for years to come.