But first, let me say again, HE IS NOT MY PRESIDENT.
Don't Torture Yourself (That's His Job)
The Associated Press headline that came over the wire yesterday said it all: "Gonzales Will Follow Non-Torture Policies."
You know how bad the situation is when the president's choice for attorney general has to formally pledge not to support torture
anymore.Alberto Gonzales may have been willing to legally justify something that was abhorrent to everything America stands for, but it's all relative. Given that Mr. Gonzales is replacing the odious John Ashcroft, Democrats didn't seem inclined to try to derail the Hispanic nominee, even though his memo fostered the atmosphere that led to disgusting scandals in Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo.
Just to get things started on the right foot, though, Mr. Gonzales planned to go the extra mile and offer the quaint, obsolete Senate Democrats a more nuanced explanation of why he
called the Geneva Conventions "quaint" and "obsolete."http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/opinion/06dowd.html?oref=login&hp